Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kylie Walker says she'll play on Tait's Tour - if others do

Rookie tour pro Kylie Walker has welcomed the news that Alan Tait's new Xltic Pro Tour will have a ladies' section at each of the six scheduled venues for the 36-hole events.
"I would be interested in playing if they get the numbers," Kylie has E-mailed
Now we need the same positive response from others.
A minimum of five female players is required for each event but, of course, Alan Tait is hoping for at least double figures in each ladies' field, building up as the season advances.
Watch this space.
E-mail if you are eligible to play in the ladies' events on the Xltic Pro Tour and want to enter.

E-mail from CLARE QUEEN
Hi Colin, I am interested in playing in the Xltic events. Unfortunately I won't be able to make the first event at Whitekirk though.
