Tuesday, April 01, 2008

St Andrews limit players to seven clubs each

In a bid to speed up play, the St Andrews Links Trust have announced that, for a trial period over the summer starting on 1st May, they are going to limit the number of clubs permitted per player on all of the St Andrews courses to seven.
A Links Trust spokesman said "Slow play is a major problem here at St Andrews, and it was pointed out to us that a recent survey has shown that players score just as well with a half set as they do when they have the maximum 14 clubs in their bag. With fewer decisions on club selection, players tend to spend less time before they hit, and are more committed to the shot. Players will be expected to carry their clubs, and the time saved around the greens should take at least half an hour off a round of golf."
A spokesman for the St Andrews Caddies Association commented "We find this totally unacceptable... With only seven clubs in their bag, most players will decide to carry their own clubs. We should have been consulted first."
The British Association of Club Manufacturers and Retailers declined to comment, but it is understood that an emergency meeting of the major stakeholders is to take place at the Scottish Golf Show, which takes place this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Ingliston Exhibition Centre, Edinburgh.
When asked if the R&A Rules of Golf committee would consider altering Rule 4-4 to reduce the current maximum of 14 clubs, the Director of Rules said "We will monitor the situation with interest. We constantly review the Rules, and if it is found that carrying fewer clubs make little difference to scoring, and speeds up play, then we would consider an alteration to the Rules."
Further information can be found here.
